Colonial Coal plan of arrangement for Tuya Energy receives court approval.

Colonial Coal International Corp. {TSX.V:CAD} have confirmed that their plan of arrangement for Tuya Energy has been given court approval following the positive vote at the recent EGM.

As a result, Colonial Coal is now a more substantial company, with a larger resource, a good treasury, and the opportunity to add value via exploration, and acquisition.

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Colonial Coal and Tuya Energy shareholders vote in favour of the plan of arrangement

Colonial Coal International Corp. {TSX.V: CAD} and Tuya Energy Inc. shareholders have both voted in favour of the acquisition by Colonial Coal of the shares of Tuya Energy Inc.

The votes now require court approval, upon which the newly enlarged Colonial Coal will have substantial assets and a good treasury with which to move towards becoming a medium size coal miner.

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Oilbarrel and Minesite cease London conferences

Without warning, Minesite and Oilbarrel, both London based resource conferences, have been ceased by their owner, effective after the 102nd Minesite that took place in the City of London today.

This marks the end of an era as Minesite and Oilbarrel spearheaded the start of resource conferences in London some 12 or so years ago, and have proved to be exceedingly popular events over the years. Sadly,  with interest in the sector waning, along with company valuations in the latter years, it proved harder to find participants, leading to today’s surprise announcement, at the commencement of the presentations. Continue reading

Observations from the PDAC, first two days


The PDAC, (or Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, to give it its full name), is the world’s largest mining conference, and is currently taking place in Toronto, Canada.

Having attended the conference for the last eight years, I approached this conference with pessimism and little enthusiasm. Here are my observations from the first two days.

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