

Victoria Gold Heap Leach Failure – Can it Survive?

Victoria Gold (TSX: VGCX)

On the 24th June Victoria Gold reported a Heap leach pad “incident”, and operations were “temporaily suspended”, which sounded fairly innocuouos at the time.

What they failed  to say was that around two million tons of a four million ton leachpad had slipped off the top of the mountain and collapsed down the side!

I seriously doubt the company can survive this catastrophe, and I predict it will cease to exist.

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Oil Council Conference London

 Oil and Gas Council

The Annual Oil and Gas Council conference was held today, and, despite the recent fall in the oil price, the attendance was huge, with around 560 delegates.

The organisation and venue were very impressive, as was the smooth running of the presentations and panel discussions.  All told a first class conference, that held delegates’ attention all day. Continue reading

Lithium Power International update on the “CEOL” matter before the Chilean Courts

   Lithium Power International {ASX: LPI}

Provided a  response to media reports on the licensing matter currently before the Chilean courts.
The case relates to the awarding of a CEOL to exploit lithium to the state-owned copper company, Codelco, immediately prior to the change of Chile’s government on 11 March 2018. The CEOL covers the entire Maricunga Salar, including properties owned by LPI’s joint venture entity Minera Salar Blanco SA. Continue reading