Avalon Rare Metals CEO Don Bubar adds to his recent market purchases of stock


Avalon Rare Metals {TSE: AVL} CEO and President Don Bubar has again bought stock in the market to add to his recent purchases, and again showing confidence in his own company.

Don Bubar has added to some significant recent purchases and sent a strong signal to the market in the process.



Avalon Rare Metals Inc {TSE: AVL} Director Don Bubar purchased 100,000 shares of the firm’s stock on Monday, January 11th.

The stock was purchased at the price of C$0.12 per share, for a total transaction of C$12,000.00.


Don Bubar has also recently made the following trades:

  • On Monday, January 4th, Don Bubar acquired 100,000 shares of Avalon Rare Metals stock. The shares were purchased at an average cost of C$0.12.5 per share, with a total value of C$12,500.00.
  • On Thursday, December 31st, Don Bubar bought 15,000 shares of Avalon Rare Metals stock. The shares were acquired at an average price of C$0.13 per share, for a total transaction of C$1,950.00.
  • On Tuesday, December 29th, Don Bubar bought 36,500 shares of Avalon Rare Metals stock. The stock was acquired at an average cost of C$0.13 per share, for a total transaction of C$4,745.00.

Avalon Rare Metals Inc. is a mineral exploration and development company.