Bitcoin price climbing again after recent setbacks


Bitcoin {BTC} has shrugged of its recent setbacks, and the price has risen back over $1,201, showing the buying strength that appears every time there is a dip.

Bitcoin has soon overcome the difficulties imposed by the the Chinese government restricting trading  by imposing a transaction tax, and the US SEC declining a Bitcoin ETF proposal.




Bitcoin {BTC} has shrugged of its recent setbacks, and the price has risen over $1,201, showing the buying strength that appears every time there is a dip.


Bitcoin has shrugged off the recent setbacks of the Chinese government restricting margin trading  by imposing a transaction tax, and the US SEC declining a Bitcoin ETF proposal.


After a short run of being more valuable than gold, Bitcoin fell back quickly, but is now advancing once again toward the gold price, a situation I find quite incredible.


I do not see Bitcoin as a tangible asset in the same way as gold, although you could argue it’s an easier way to move money around the world, and is being traded for that reason, rather than investment value.