Carlisle Goldfields to drill 5,500 meters at Lynn lake in Q4 2015

Carlisle Goldfields {TSX.V: CGJ} have confirmed that they will continue their 2015 drill program in Q4 2015, drilling 5,500 metres at Lynn lake outside the feasibility study area.

Additionally, the company have confirmed the discovery of the Little Wing Gold prospect.



Carlisle announces exploration drilling at Lynn lake in Q4 2015, plus discovery of the Little Wing Gold Prospect.


2015-09-15 – News Release

Mr. Abraham Drost reports


Carlisle Goldfields Ltd.{TSX.V: CGJ}  is continuing the 2015 special exploration drill program outside the feasibility study area at the Lynn Lake joint venture claims at Lynn Lake, Man.


The fourth-quarter 2015 program will consist of a further approximately 5,500 metres of drilling on four target areas in the South Belt identified through field sampling and data compilation (see the table). Additional first-quarter 2016 winter drilling is anticipated on two areas in the North Belt pending induced-polarization results, including the newly discovered Little Wing gold prospect and the historic Arbour Lake prospect.


The discovery of the Little Wing gold prospect in highly altered angular float boulders and outcrop by senior project geologist Ben Kuzmich demonstrates the considerable exploration potential remaining in the Lynn Lake belt between the Farley Lake and MacLellan gold deposits. The Little Wing prospect is hosted in granitoid intrusive rocks within the North Belt Agassiz metallotect and exhibits surface assay values of up to 361 grams per tonne of gold.


Carlisle and its joint venture partner Alamos Gold Inc. are jointly financing the $4-million special exploration program outside the feasibility study area in calendar 2015. Carlisle is the operator of special exploration activities on the balance of the 39,000-hectare LLJV claims.


Carlisle’s joint venture partner Alamos previously acquired a 25-per-cent interest in the LLJV and has the right to increase its interest to 51 per cent by spending $20-million on the advancement of a feasibility study on the MacLellan and Farley Lake deposits by Nov. 10, 2017. Alamos may increase its interest in the LLJV to a maximum of 60 per cent by delivering a compliant feasibility study within the same period.


Carlisle’s President and CEO Abraham Drost commented that: “Results from geological mapping, prospecting and sampling during the 2015 special exploration program have highlighted the potential for additional mineralization in the South Belt and North Belt greenstone assemblage of the Lynn Lake gold camp. We are particularly excited by the discovery of the new Little Wing prospect”.

The fourth-quarter 2015 drilling campaign will also better define evident continuity of mineralization between the Burnt Timber and Linkwood deposits within the Johnson shear and related splay structures in the South Belt. It is our continuing belief that the Burnt Timber and Linkwood deposits are part of a larger gold system in this area of the Johnson shear. We expect that the area will ultimately be subjected to a definitive feasibility study to assess future pipeline development potential for the LLJV. We look forward to sharing our plans with participants at the 2015 precious metal summit, Colorado, Sept. 16 to 18, 2015.”


Special exploration results from the Lynn Lake gold camp


Drill target: Arbour lake (North Belt)

Highlights:  Of the 55 surface samples collected from the quartz-diorite intrusive, 10 assayed more than 0.4 gram per tonne gold, including a 1.3 g/t Au chip sample across a 2.5-metre-wide north-trending quartz vein with disseminated chalcopyrite-bornite and 13.9 g/t Au from a heavily silicified quartz-diorite grab sample in the immediate wall rock to the vein. This vein is coincident with a 340 m long north-trending airborne electromagnetic conductor identified in the regional airborne survey flown this past spring.

Planned work:  A work permit has been submitted for a fourth-quarter 2015 ground IP survey to define the extent of the north-south mineralised structures. Follow-up drilling, pending IP results, is planned for first-quarter 2016.


Drill target: Little Wing (new discovery) (North Belt)

Highlights:  Of the 39 surface grab samples collected to date, 16 assayed more than 0.4 g/t Au, including three samples between one g/t Au and two g/t Au and five samples with more than five g/t Au, including up to 361 g/t Au from a narrow quartz vein with abundant VG. High-grade mineralisation is hosted within angular hematite, silica-sericite-altered granite boulders interpreted to be frost-heaved subcrop. Mapping in the area has identified several similarly altered granite/granodiorite outcrops up to 450 m along strike to the east, which returned low-grade gold mineralisation in the range of 0.2 g/t Au to 0.7 g/t Au.

Planned work:  A work permit has been submitted for the fourth-quarter 2015 ground IP survey to define the extent of the mineralised trend. Follow-up drilling, pending IP results, is planned for first-quarter 2016.


Drill target: Johnson vein (South Belt)

Highlights:  Of the 36 surface grab samples collected to date, 13 assayed more than 0.4 g/t Au, including four samples between one g/t Au and two g/t Au and six samples with more than five g/t Au taken from quartz-sulphide veins up to 60 centimetres wide exposed in historic trenches along the Johnson shear zone.

Planned work:   Three drill holes along the eastern margin of the Johnson and Johnson option property will be drilled in fourth-quarter 2015 to test the continuity of mineralisation along the Johnson shear zone in this area.


Drill target: Maynard (South Belt)

Highlights:  DV15-04, drilled this past spring, returned 1.6 g/t Au over 10.6 m from 35 m depth and 5.6 g/t Au over 5.6 m from 151 m depth. DV15-05, drilled 100 m to the east, returned 5.0 g/t Au over 4.5 m from 107 m depth (see news release dated June 10, 2015). Both zones are coincident with a one-kilometre-long pronounced IP chargeability anomaly, which has not been drilled tested to the east.

Planned work:  Four holes along the eastern continuation of the IP anomaly will be drilled in fourth-quarter 2015 to test the extension of mineralisation up to 500 m along strike to the east.


Drill target: 12-13 zone (South Belt)

Highlights:  Historic intersections in the 12-13 zone of up 1.3 g/t Au over six m and 1.0 g/t Au over 10.5 m demonstrate a mineralisation style and distribution similar to that of the western portion of the Burnt Timber deposit. The 12-13 zone is coincident with an 800 m long pronounced IP chargeability anomaly 100 m southwest of the Burnt Timber deposit.

Planned work:  Nine holes will test the possible strike extension of the existing Burnt Timber National Instrument 43-101-compliant resource for a strike length of 1.1 kilometres to a vertical depth of 200 m. The drill program will also test the existence of mineralised zones with a possible strike length of 800 m, located 100 m to the southwest of the Burnt Timber resource, as suggested by 13 historic drill holes into the 12-13 zone.


Drill target: Lost Lake (South Belt)

Highlights:  The Lost Lake target overlies a 2.3-kilometre-long pronounced IP chargeability anomaly within the Johnson shear zone identified in the Dunvegan IP survey this spring. Historic drilling in the area returned up to 4.6 g/t Au over 4.8 m within a silica-carbonate flooded deformation zone.

Planned work:  Approximately seven holes will be drilled in fourth-quarter 2015 to test the IP anomaly along 200 m to 300 m wide step outs.


Quality assurance/quality control

Carlisle’s special exploration program was carried out under the direction of Ryan Weston, PGeo, chief geologist of Carlisle and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, who has reviewed and approved the technical content of this news release.


Samples were transported directly in secure containers from the Carlisle Goldfields site in Lynn Lake, Man., to the TSL Laboratories in Saskatoon, Sask. TSL, which is an accredited ISO/IEC 17025 lab, assayed the samples using standard fire assay methods with a gravimetric finish. Certified standards are placed in the sample stream at a rate of one standard per 20 samples. Certified blanks are placed in the sample stream at a rate of one blank every 40 samples. Results are analyzed for acceptance at the time of import. All standards associated with the results in this news release were determined to be acceptable within the defined limits of the standard used.


Special exploration program on LLJV lands

Carlisle previously announced a 3,500 m drill program in the Dunvegan area along strike to the west of the Linkwood and Burnt Timber deposits on the Johnson shear structure within the Lynn Lake greenstone belt. Two geological/prospecting field crews were on the LLJV claims during the summer field season conducting exploration and evaluation of a variety of newly discovered and historical gold occurrences for additional drill testing.


The Burnt Timber deposit has a previously reported (Dec. 2, 2013) inferred open-pit-constrained mineral resource of 23.4 million tonnes at an average grade of 1.04 g/t gold, and the Linkwood deposit has an inferred open-pit-constrained mineral resource of 21.0 million tonnes at an average grade of 1.16 g/t gold.


The LLJV previously conducted a high-resolution airborne magnetic and electromagnetic geophysical survey over the entire property and induced-polarization ground surveys to assist with drill target identification. Structural analysis of the airborne geophysical data was completed by SRK Mining Consultants. Drill targets were selected through a ranking system evaluating favourable structural and lithological targets identified in the new airborne and ground geophysics coincident with historical gold occurrences in the belt.


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