Cartier Resources discovers new exploration targets in the Central Area of their Chimo Mine


Cartier Resources {TSX.V: ECR} President and CEO Philippe Cloutier has followed on from his previous news release by announcing the result of the compilation and interpretation of historical data, at ECR’s Chimo mine.

“The quality and quantity of gold intersections comprising the extensions of the mined and unmined zones as well as the new discoveries define the upside for the project” the upbeat CEO added.

Val-d’Or, September 9, 2014 – Cartier Resources Inc. {TSX-V: ECR} announces the results of the compilation and interpretation of the historical data(1) of the Central Area of the Chimo Gold Mine that is presently closed.

The Chimo Mine project is situated at the south-eastern extremity of the Val-d’Or Mining Camp in Quebec. This work has revealed that : i) mineralization with economic type grades extend below the two main zones of the mine, ii) that the summit of a third zone is indicated in this area and iii) that two new gold zones show potential for significant discovery situated near surface.

Drill results have reported respectively intersections such as;

  • 10.9 g/t Au over 3.3 m
  • 7.3 g/t Au over 6.8 m
  • 8.1 g/t Au over 6.8 m
  • 6.6 g/t Au over 11.2 m

Situated beneath the main zones 5M and 5B.

Intersections such as 17.6 g/t Au over 6.2 m and 6.2 g/t Au over 3.3 m comprise the 5M2 zone which develops at depth. The two new zones (5N1 and the eastern extension of 5M) consist of intersections such as 5.8 g/t Au over 4.0 m and 3.3 g/t Au over 11.1 m are situated along the major structures of the mine and offer potential for near surface discovery.

“The development history at Chimo Mine was a succession of phases that reflected the various economic conditions of the times and at each phase, zones that had been prepared for mining and new discoveries were abandoned due to market lows” mentions Philippe Cloutier, President and CEO. “The quality and quantity of gold intersections comprising the extensions of the mined and unmined zones as well as the new discoveries proximal to the mine infrastructures (shaft, drifts, power lines, proximity to Val-d’Or) define the upside of this strategic project” adds the President.

Cartier’s next milestone for the project is to provide results of its compilation for the South area of the Chimo Mine project.

Quality Assurance / Quality Control

The scientific and/or technical information presented in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Gaétan Lavallière, P. Geo., Ph.D., and Vice President for Cartier. Mr. Lavallière is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

(1) The data referred to in this press release was produced by Chimo Gold Mines Ltd, Société Minière LOUVEM Inc. and CAMBIOR Inc. and as such were submitted to the QA/QC of those companies. The Cartier Resources QA/QC process was limited to the compilation and interpretation of that data.
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