Cascadero Copper initiates a second phase hydrometallurgical test and preparation for Taron 2 drill


Cascadero Copper {TSX.V. CCD} has initiated a second phase of hydrometallurgical testing with the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver B.C. and Bureau Veritas Minerals’ Metallurgical Division in Richmond, B.C.


Cascadero Copper initiates a second phase hydrometallurgical test and preparation for Taron 2 drill program



Cascadero Copper {TSX.V. CCD} has initiated a second phase of hydrometallurgical testing with the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver B.C. and Bureau Veritas Minerals’ Metallurgical Division in Richmond, B.C.


The objective is to produce a cesium concentrate from Taron drill core (TAR-09-4). This test work will be overseen by Dr. Rod McElroy and is expected to take two-months to complete. Given the success of this testing, the reduction of mass directed into the acid leach circuit is expected to materially lower the reagent volume required for leaching and the cost of producing cesium hydroxide.


Previous Metallurgical Testing
In December 2015, Cascadero completed proof of concept testing in the processing of a sample of Taron drill core. (TAR-09-5) The objective was to produce cesium hydroxide and cesium formate.


The hydrometallurgical flow sheet that resulted from the Taron core processing was developed by UBC specifically for Cascadero, which indicated that high-recoveries of cesium (91%) were possible using off-the-shelf chemicals and run-of-mine cesium mineralized material. The final products were high-purity cesium hydroxide crystals and high-purity cesium formate solution. The Company has filed a US Provisional Patent based on this flow sheet.


The first phase of the UBC process treated anticipated run-of-mine material which, when scaled up to commercial production by Cascadero’s consultants, a large volume of acid was consumed, which accounted for 58% of the total reagent cost. The second phase of testing is directed at materially reducing reagent costs.


Taron Drill Program
Cascadero has applied for the necessary permit to re-habilitate access to the Taron property and prepare drill sites. This permit is expected to be in place in mid-December 2016 and the drill permit is expected by January 9TH 2017.

The Company intends to drill 29 HQ3 core holes each to a depth of 75 metres with the objective of identifying a cesium bearing resource in the south-western part of the Taron showing. These core holes are expected to further define the extent of the cesium mineralization present in several trenches completed in this area between 2005 and 2007, and seven HQ core holes that were drilled in 2009.


About Cesium
Cesium (chemical symbol Cs) is a rare metal best known for its extreme chemical reactivity and the chemical compound cesium hydroxide forms the start point of myriad end uses. Cesium hydroxide’s principal volume application is cesium formate (CsCHO2), which is solution with a high-density and low- viscosity. It is the go to cesium compound used to control formation pressures and temperatures in drilling of deep oil wells (HPHT). Cesium formate is also the most effective drilling and completion fluid for conventional oil and gas wells.


Cesium hydroxide is the substrate cesium compound that can be converted to a range of cesium salts including cesium nitrate, cesium acetate, cesium chloride among others and as such cesium hydroxide is the starting point of a global chemicals industry. As a dense medium, cesium formate is used to separate DNA and in metallurgical testing. It is also well known for medical applications and artificially produced radioactive isotopes used to treat various types of cancers.


Cesium compounds and chemicals are used in photo-emissive devices, experimental magneto-hydrodynamic electricity generation, atomic clocks for telecommunications and GPS navigation systems, catalysts in plastic and other manufacturing applications, specialty glasses, ion-propulsion rocket motors, high-density alkaline batteries, coatings for solar cells and petroleum refining. Cesium and its properties are undergoing research, which is expected to discover new applications, markets and increase demand for cesium hydroxide.


The technical information in this news release was reviewed and approved for distribution by David Trueman, P. Geo., Ph.D. who is the Qualified Person for the Company. This release was also reviewed and approved by Rod McElroy Ph.D., a Consultant for the Company, who is overseeing and providing guidance for the second phase Taron hydrometallurgical tests being conducted by UBC engineers and Bureau Veritas assayers and metallurgists.

Bill McWilliam
Cascadero Copper
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