Crypto currencies being routed in bloodbath


Bitcoin $BTC down 7%, Ethereum $ETH 13.4%, 3rd place Ripple 9.4%, and some other of the top cryptos have fallen significantly more in a crypto bloodbath.

Stratis, number 11 by market cap, has fallen 41.% so far today!





Crypto bloodbath continues after recent falls.




Bitcoin $BTC down 7%, Ethereum $ETH 13.4%, 3rd place Ripple 9.4%, and some other of the top cryptos have fallen significantly more in a crypto bloodbath.

Stratis, number 11 by market cap, has fallen 41.% so far today!


Crypto currencies have had such a strong run since the start of 2017, a correction at some point was inevitable, and that moment seems to have arrived with avengeance.


Every market only runs so far before a dose of reality sets in, and after the hundreds of percent rise in value of some crypto coins such as Ethereum since January, that time has finally arrived.


Bitcoin is down around 25% since the $3,000 peak achieved in June, Ethereum, one of the biggest investment gains in history anywhere in the first 6 months of the year has now lost 60% since the $400 peak.


The obvious question is how far will the cryptos fall before they reach the bottom?  And what about the forthcoming ICO’s in the pipeline?  There are a good number as people rush to cash in on the mania whilst the going is good.


The red flags were flying recently when some sections of the media began predicting “new paradigms” and “Bitcoin to $50,000” type statements. when the herd can only see positives it’s the time to sell!