Komet Resources Inc. (TSX.V: KMT} insider Robert Wares acquired 200,000 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction dated Wednesday, November 29th.
The shares were bought at an average price of C$0.36 per share, with a total value of CAD $72,000.00.
Komet Resources Inc. TSX.V: KMT} insider Robert Wares acquired 200,000 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction dated Wednesday, November 29th. The shares were bought at an average price of C$0.36 per share, with a total value of CAD $72,000.00.
Komet Resources Company Profile
Komet Resources {TSX.V: KMT} engages in the acquisition, exploration, and development of mining properties in West Africa. The company owns a 100% interest in the Guiro-Diouga producing gold mining property located in northern Burkina Faso; and the Dabia South permit located in the gold-mining camp of Kéniéba, Republic of Mali.