Minera IRL – More shenanigans, and now a news release is due this week


Minera IRL {BVLP: MIRL} previously listed on the TSX Venture, AIM, and Lima Stock Exchanges is currently trying to list on the Canadian Stock Exchange (CSE).

Following the management civil war last year resulting in the de-listing on all exchanges, it was thought all was now moving forward, but rumours began to circulate of another boardroom coup last week.


Deja vu at Minera IRL?


A year ago the management and board of Minera IRL were engaged in a civil war, that tore the company apart, and resulted in the company being de-listed from the AIM, Toronto, and Lima Stock Exchanges.


The final outcome was that Darry Hodges and his team eventually left the board, after Diego Benavides, CEO of the Peruvian subsidiary, resisted the loss of the mine, and won the day.


Diego and new CEO Frank O’Kelly recently presented at the AMA presentation in London, and all seemed on track.


Last week rumours surfaced that a new board member was keen on asset stripping the Ollachea Mine from the shareholders.


After a meeting in Peru it was confirmed all the large Peruvian shareholders are going to vote down the resolutions in the hastily arranged AGM at the end of this month.


It has now been stated that the board will issue a statement this week! We have to hope they confirm all is still on track!


We await the next news with interest and will post an update when we have more news.