Neometals expansion drilling yields positive results at Mt. Marion


Neometals {ASX: NMT} have reported positive drill results from expansion drilling at Mount Marion.

Generally the ore horizon is thicker than previously reported.


Neomotals {ASX: NMT} reports positive drill results at Mt. Marion.


During the December Quarter, 46 RC holes were drilled at the No.6 Deposit, for a total of 2,324 metres and 9 (83 mm‐PQ) Diamond holes were drilled for a total of 693.2 metres on Deposits 1,2 and 2 West.


The infill and extension drilling program has prioritised the near surface mineralisation.  The drilling to date has identified that the mineralisation is laterally wider to the east, open to the north and east and possibly faulted off to the west.  Generally the ore horizon is thicker than previously reported by Mineral Resources.


The first phase of the resource infill and extension project is targeted at extending the size and increasing the classification of the existing resources at Deposits 1,2,2 West and 6, and newly acquired lithium, rights on part of Hampton Location 53.


New mineral resource and ore reserve estimates are planned for completion in the June and September Quarters respectively.
Cross sections and drill results can be viewed in the complete announcement to the market – Click HERE to view the drill results