Nouveau Monde Mining {TSX.V: NOU} is pleased to report complete drilling results on its graphite property at Matawinie.
The objective is to define a mineral resource estimate before year end.
GATINEAU, QUEBEC – Nouveau Monde Mining {TSX.V: NOU} is pleased to report complete drilling results for the West Zone from its 2015 exploration program on the Tony claim block, part of its Matawinie graphite Property.
The project is located in the Saint-Michel-des-Saints area, some 130 km north of Montreal, Québec, Canada. An extensive trenching and drilling (totaling over 10,000 m) program was initiated in June of 2015 on the claim block. The objective of the work was to define before year-end a Mineral Resource Estimate, completed in accordance with the NI 43-101 guidelines, for the South-East and South-West zones (see December 15, 2015 press release).
Regarding the West Zone, the resource estimate is scheduled to be completed during the first quarter of 2016. A preliminary economic assessment regarding these three mineralised zones is expected during the first half of 2016.
To date, 70 core drill holes ranging in length from 33 m to 253 m were drilled over the Tony claim block in 2015 for a total of 10,479 m. The operation generated 4,314 samples. Most of the drilling was concentrated on the South-East, South-West and West Zones. The graphitic mineralisation is mostly encased within paragneiss units. The West zone had seen prior trenching and channel sampling in 2014 (see September 23, 2014 press release).
The drilling campaign on the West Zone consists of 27 holes totaling 4,546 m. The complete West Zone drilling results can be consult in the downloading file whereas the main results are presented in Table 1 below. The highlight for this zone is the large width of the mineralized envelope which comprises four graphitic horizons numbered W0, W1, W2 and W3 (see the West Zone 3D Model). These horizons can be followed from sections W100 to W2100 (a distance of 2000 m).
The westernmost horizon, W0, begins at section W1200 where it shows a width of about 10 m. It thickens to 30 m at section W1500, from whence the width remains constant unto section W2100 (a distance of 900 m). The grade of horizon W0 ranges from 2.37% to 3.12% Cg between sections W1200 and W1300 and increases to around 5% Cg between sections W1500 and W2100. The best W0 intercept grades 6.10% Cg over 28.1 m (22.1 m true width) in section W1700.
The width of horizon W1 varies generally from 40 to 50 m between sections W0100 and W2100 (a distance of 2000 m). Meanwhile, the grade fluctuates from 3.13% to 4.78% Cg between sections W0100 to W1300 and between 4% and 5% Cg from section W1400 to W2100. The best W1 intercept grades 5.31% Cg over 57.7 m (57.5 m true width) in section W1000. Another feature of the W1 horizon is that the lower portion (W1A) generally grades between 3% and 4% Cg whereas the upper part (W1B) ranges between 4% and 5% Cg.
The width of horizon W2 is generally around 7 m. However, it occasionally increases to 20 m. The best intercept was provided in section W1700 where the W2 horizon is 33 m thick (26 m true width) grading 5.39% Cg. The grade of this horizon ranges from 2.91% to 5.39% Cg between sections W0100 and W2100 (a distance of 2000 m).
The width of horizon W3 ranges from 5 to 24 m between sections W0100 and W1500 (a distance of 1400 m). Its grade varies generally from 2.99% to 5.20% Cg. The best W3 intercept grades 4.98% Cg over 24.2 m (21 m true width) in section W0100.
An additional feature of the West Zone is that some of the horizons merge together between sections W1100 and W1900 (a distance of 800 m) to form a thick mineralised unit measuring 58.9 to 96.5 m. The best mineralised intersection from drilling on the West Zone is from Section W1900, with a grade of 5.10% Cg over 115.2 m (90.8 m true width).
The mineralized horizons all dip around 75° towards the east. The mineralisation remains open to the north, to the south and at depth.
The samples from the 2015 core drilling program were generally 2 m in length (see QC/QA section below). Core barrel size was BTW (4.2 cm). All the holes from sections W0100 to W1500 were more or less oriented N2930 (perpendicular to the long axis of the zone), with a dip of 450, while those from sections W1700 to W2100 were more or less oriented N3130.
Quality Assurance – Quality Control
The 2015 drilling program was supervised by Yvan Bussières, P.Eng. (Québec), B.Sc. A strict protocol, including the insertion of duplicate and blank samples within the sample stream was adopted as part of a quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) program. Graphite standards were also included within the borehole sampling protocol. Duplicate, blank and graphite standard sample results returned values within acceptable limits. Verification, preparation and sample submittal for the drilling were done by Mr. Bussières.
Mineralized core samples were chosen for analysis either by Mr. Bussières or Mr. Bernard-Olivier Martel, P.Geo. (Québec), B.Sc. The mineralised drill core was split into quarters using a rock saw. The quarter core samples were then individually bagged and sent for analysis, and the remaining core was kept as a reference and for possible metallurgical testing. Samples were analysed for graphitic carbon (Cg) content by a LECO analyzer (ALS code; C-IR18) at the ALS Minerals laboratory in North Vancouver (BC), Canada. This laboratory is ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 17025 accredited.
The Corporation announces the grant of 250,000 options to a consultant of the Corporation. Each option shall entitle its holder thereof to subscribe for one common share of the Corporation, at a price of $0.20 per common share, for a period of five years from the date of grant. These options will vest one quarter at issuance and by period of three months until November 11th, 2016. These options were granted in accordance with the terms of the current stock option plan of the Corporation.
The technical information in this news release was prepared by Yvan Bussières, P.Eng., drill program supervisor, and reviewed by Eric Desaulniers, MSc, P.Geo., President and CEO of Nouveau Monde. Mr. Bussières and Mr. Desaulniers are both Qualified Persons under National Instrument 43-101.
For further information, please contact:
Eric Desaulniers.
President and Chief Executive Officer.
+1 819 923 0333
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