Nymox director Robinson continues buying spree


Nymox Pharmaceutical Corp {NASDAQ: NYMX} Director James Robinson continued his recent buying spree by purchasing 15,000 more shares of the company.

It is heartening to see a director purchasing so much stock in a company, he is leading by example.

Nymox Pharmaceutical Corp {NASDAQ: NYMX} Director James Robinson bought 15,000 shares of Nymox Pharmaceutical Corp stock in a transaction dated Friday, April 29th.


The stock was purchased at an average cost of $2.27 per share, with a total value of $34,050.00.


Following the completion of the acquisition, the director now directly owns 2,762,550 shares in the company, valued at approximately $6,270,988.50.


James Robinson also recently made the following trade:

On Friday, April 15th, James Robinson bought 39,500 shares of Nymox Pharmaceutical Corp stock.