POET Technologies halted by the company pending news


POET Technologies {TSX.V: PTK} have been halted from trading at the request of the company pending news.

The halt was called at 10.52 am yesterday, after the  share price had risen 25% in two and a bit trading sessions, on the back of strong volume.


POET Technologies trading halt pending a news release.


POET Technologies {TSX.V: PTK} has requested a trading halt “pending a news release”.


This seems to have been prompted by a 25% rise in just over two trading sessions, on strong volume, and no news announced. Maybe there has possibly have been a leak somewhere?


Recently POET has traded around 300,000 shares per day, with the odd high volume day, and a few low volume ones. On the 21st April, the volume was 487,000 and the share price rose 5c, then on the 22nd April the volume was 971,000 and the share price rose 6c, with the high volume and strong rise a big clue something was about to occur.


The value of trades in two days was over CAD$1,500,000, quite a sum in a relatively quiet market.


Yesterday, the stock was halted at 10.52 am, and there had already been 343,000 shares traded, and the share price was up another 10%!


Let’s hope there is something tangible to back up this rise, but the high volume and 25% price rise in a little over two trading sessions suggests some people already think they know!


We await the anticipated news with baited breath.