
Cabral Gold Drills 22.4m @ 4.8 gpt Gold

Cabral Gold Inc. (TSX.V: CBR)

Provided assay results from four diamond-drill holes completed at the PDM target beneath the recently identified gold-in-oxide blanket, within the Cuiú Cuiú gold district in northern Brazil.

Diamond-drill hole DDH238 drilled at the PDM target beneath the recently identified gold-in-oxide blanket returned 22.4m @ 4.8 g/t gold from 114.1m. Continue reading

Cabral Gold Drills 70.8m @ 1.0 g/t Gold at MG Gold

Cabral Gold Inc. (TSX.V: CBR)

Provided assay results from five diamond-drill holes completed at the MG gold-in-oxide blanket, and also results from reconnaissance drilling at the Alonso target within the Cuiú Cuiú gold district in northern Brazil.

Diamond-drill hole MET04 drilled at the gold-in-oxide blanket at MG returned 70.8m @ 1.0 g/t gold from surface, including 17.0m @ 3.3 g/t gold from 41.0m depth. Continue reading