
PDAC 2022 – Day 2

PDAC 2022 – Day 2 was much quieter

After the pandomonium of registration and police holding people outseide for hours on day 1, PDAC 2022 day 2 was much quieter.

The aisles were noticably easier to navigate and of those people walking around, there seemed to be very few investors, with some booth holders even saying to me they don’t go to PDAC to meet investors!  Continue reading

PDAC 2022 – Day 1 – Far Busier Than I Expected

PDAC 2022 – Day 1

I have to admit to being totally wrong about the numbers for the 2022 PDAC, as I saw unprecedented queues to register and enter the show Monday, the opening day.

Some people had to wait three hours from being held outside the building due to congestion in registration, to actually being handed their badge to enter the show. Continue reading

Can we Have a ‘Curse of the PDAC’ in June?

The PDAC begins in Toronto next Monday

For the first time ever the PDAC, the world’s largest mining trade show, takes place in June this year, delayed due to covid concerns from its traditional frost bite and chilblain inducing March slot.

Sadly the show is smaller this year, and one wonders whether the change of date is partly the reason for that?  We won’t know until next year, when, presumably, the how will revert ot its March slot.  […]  Continue reading

PDAC 2022 has been moved to June 2022

City Investors Circle – PDAC 2022 makes history

The PDAC announced today that they have moved the 2022 conference from March to June 2022, making history as the first show to take place outside the winter month of March, traditionally the coldest time of the year.

So PDAC 2022 will be shorts and t shirts in place of trench coats, gloves, hats,  and mufflers! Continue reading