Tinka Resources announces continuation of South Ayawilca mineralisation


Tinka Resources Limited {TSX.V: TK}  announced assay results of five recent drill holes from its 100% owned Ayawilca zinc project in central Peru..

All five holes are from South Ayawilca and the extension of the Central Ayawilca areas, where zinc mineralisation occurs in flat-lying sulphide bodies replacing carbonate and clastic rocks adjacent to a northeast trending fault.




Vancouver, Canada – Tinka Resources Limited {TSX.V: TK} is pleased to announce assay results of five recent drill holes from its 100% owned Ayawilca zinc project in central Peru.


All five holes are from South Ayawilca and the extension of the Central Ayawilca areas, where zinc mineralisation occurs in flat-lying sulphide bodies replacing carbonate and clastic rocks adjacent to a northeast trending fault. Holes A17-069 and A17-070 were drilled between two earlier drill intersections in holes A17-056 and A17-063 (see previous releases May 3, 2017 and June 8, 2017).



These new results confirm the continuity of high grade zinc mineralisation in two separate replacement bodies (mantos) at South Ayawilca over a strike length of at least 300 metres, with the lower sulphide manto believed to be continuous over a one kilometre strike from South Ayawilca to Central Ayawilca.



Dr. Graham Carman, Tinka´s President and CEO, stated: “We are extremely pleased with these latest results, which confirm continuity of very high grade zinc mineralisation at South Ayawilca over at least 300 metres of strike. Zinc mineralisation also remains open in several directions including to the south, east, and possibly to the west where the favourable stratigraphic horizon may rapidly deepen. Hole A17-068, drilled 350 metres along strike from A17-063, shows that the lower mineralised manto is a continuous replacement body and connects with Central Ayawilca. The Ayawilca sulphide system is zoned; high grade zinc occurs outward of bodies of iron sulphide (mostly pyrrhotite) which host tin mineralization. This zonation has similarities to the giant Cerro de Pasco base metals deposit 40 kilometres to the southeast. Drilling is continuing with step-out holes at West Ayawilca, along with new targets being drilled at Zone 3 and Chaucha.



The Company has released results of the first sixteen drill holes of an estimated planned ~30 holes for 2017. Twenty-four holes have so far been completed, with hole A17-080 now beginning, and many assays are pending for both zinc and tin. We currently have one drill rig testing extensions of the West Ayawilca resource (see Figure 1 and Figure 4). A second drill rig is drilling at Zone 3. The third rig is setting up at the Chaucha area, with the first hole in that area planned to test a high priority geochemical-geophysical target. A fourth drill rig was recently demobilized from South Ayawilca, allowing the Company time to complete assays as well as analyze and interpret the new data.


To read the news release, please click HERE

