
City Investors Circle Watchlist Deletions

City Investors Circle Watchlist deletions

As the year ends it’s time to review companies listed on our watchlists, remove those companies that we longer feel so strongly in favour of, and adding in a few that have taken our fancy recently.

Out are going Banyan Gold, Fosterville South, Kootenay Silver, Los Cerros, Pure Gold Mining, Radisson Mining, and Tinka Resources. Continue reading

Los Cerros report 28m @ 3.34g/t Au at Tesorito

Los Cerros Limited (ASX: LCL)

Provided an update on recent infill drilling at Tesorito, an at-surface porphyry discovery that forms part of the 100% owned Quinchia Gold Project, in Risaralda – Colombia.

Quinchia is a cluster of porphyry and epithermal gold targets within a 3km radius, underpinned by established Mineral Resources of 2.6Moz @1g/t Au1 Continue reading

Los Cerros Report Quinchia MRE of 2.6m Oz Gold

Los Cerros Limited (ASX: LCL)

Announced a maiden Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for the Tesorito Gold Porphyry of 1.3 m OZ Au, a near surface gold porphyry discovery, which is part of the Company’s 100% owned Quinchia Gold Project (Quinchia), in Risaralda – Colombia.

This grows the Quinchia Project to 2.6Moz gold Including a High Grade potential “starter pit” of 0.54Moz at 1.23g/t Au.  […]  Continue reading