
Cyprium Metals Nifty Financing Cancelled

Cyprium Metals (ASX: CYM)

Provided the following update on the financing of the Nifty Copper Project Restart.

The terms proposed for the USD denominated senior secured bond were revised and deemed not commercially satisfactory to the Company. The shares are suspended at the request of the company. Continue reading

Cyprium Announce a US$35M Secured Offtake Prepayment Facility for Nifty

Cyprium Metals (ASX: CYM)

Announced that it has signed an exclusive Term Sheet with Transamine SA for US$35 million in respect of a Copper Cathode Offtake Secured Prepayment Facility.

This Offtake Prepayment Facility is part of the targeted AU$240 million to AU$260 million debt funding package to finance the restart of the Nifty Copper Project in WA.  Continue reading

Cyprium Metals Grow Nifty Copper Resource 28.4%

Cyprium Metals (ASX: CYM)

Announced a 28.4% increase in its Nifty Copper Mine’s Measured Resource Estimate to 940,200 tonnes of contained metals.

The Nifty Copper Mine is located in north-eastern Pilbara region of Western Australia, approximately 330km southeast of Port Hedland.  […]  Continue reading