
Mining Review Sunday Update 29th May 2022

Mining Review Sunday Update 29th May 2022

City Investors Circle update on the mining scene, with commodity prices on the whole still falling due to a high dollar and US interest rate hike expectations.

Companies in the news this week included Banyan Gold, Calidus Resources, Karora Resources, Rokmaster Resources, and Tinka Resources.  […]  Continue reading

Tinka Resources Secure a C$11m Strategic Funding

Tinka Resources(TSX.V: TK)

Announced that it has entered into an equity subscription agreement with Nexa Resources S.A. (NYSE: NEXA), the largest zinc producer in Latin America with several long-life operating mines and smelting operations in Peru and Brazil. C

Compañia de Minas Buenaventura SAA, an Insider of the Company, has advised it will exercise its pre-existing participation rights on the same terms and conditions. Continue reading

Tinka Resources find 6m of 12.8 gpt Au and 2.7% Cu

Tinka Resources (TSX.V: TK)

Announced high-grade gold and copper trench results from Silvia NW, one of several prospective targets at the Company’s 100%-owned Silvia Project located 30 km from the Company’s flagship Ayawilca zinc-silver project.

New trench results included 46 metres at 1.9 g/t gold & 0.8% copper (2.2% CuEQ or 2.9 g/t AuEQ), including 6 metres at 12.8 g/t gold & 2.7% copper. Continue reading

Tinka Resources Finds High Grade Copper and Gold

Tinka Resources Limited (TSX.V:TK)

Announced initial high grade copper-gold surface sampling results from the Silvia NW target, one of several prospective areas within the Company’s 100%-owned Silvia Project which was recently acquired (see HERE).

Silvia NW is located in the Huanuco region of central Peru, 30 km from the Company’s flagship Ayawilca project and 90 km along strike south of the Antamina copper mine. Continue reading

Tinka Resources Increases Zinc Resources by 68%

Tinka Resources  (TSX.V: TK)

Announced an updated Mineral Resource estimate for its 100%-owned Ayawilca project in Peru.

Mineral Resource estimates for two Ayawilca deposits (the “Zinc Zone” and “Tin Zone”, respectively) have been updated as a result of nearly 12,000 metres of drilling completed in the past 18 months. Continue reading